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Step 3
Think about your goals. do you want to free learn or do grades?

Now its time to think about your goals, what kind of player do you want to be? Think about your inspirations whether it be Jimi Hendrix, Ed Sheeran or John Mayer. If you can approach your teacher with this information, he can put you on the quickest path to get where you want to be. Goals will inevitably change as you progress, but it's good to set yourself milestones right from the get go


If after pondering, you are still unsure, the best option is to learn through a recognised grading system such RGT. Grades are recommended for people who would like a thorough and controlled progression on the instrument. You can of course start out free learning and change to studying grades at any time and vice versa.


Read on below to find out the pros and cons of grading vs free learn.


Recommended for players that prefer a controlled progression/unsure what styles of guitar you would like to play.



  • Steady and thorough progression leaving no gaps in knowledge.

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  • Passing grades provide UCAS points for further education.

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  • You will develop great sight reading and aural skills.



  • There may be some styles of music covered in the grading curriculum that you may not like.

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  • Disciplined practice routine needed may not suit some people.

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  • Grading books and exams will cost you extra money.

Free Learn

Recommended for players who have an idea what style of music they would like to play.



  • Only learn music you want to play.

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  • If you have a specific goal like, playing blues, you can just focus on that.

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  • You don't have to worry about sight reading if you choose not to.



  • Often students become very strong in some areas and very weak in others like sight reading and theory.

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  • Lacks the incentive of passing grades, individual must be determined and self motivated to practice and improve.

Grading Exam Board links:
RSL Rock School
Trinity Rock & Pop College


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